Quick & Dirty about GISSI-3:
6 weeks of oral Lisinopril an ACEI with or without Nitrates reduces overall mortality and major adverse cardiac events (MACE) after and ACUTE MYOCARDIAL INFARCTION. (AMI/ACS).Details of the Trial
Specialty: Cardiology (Acute Coronary Syndrome, CHF after MI and MACE)
Problem Addressed: Efficacy of ACEI +/- Transdermal Nitrates after acute MI (<24 hours)
Design: Randomized trial - Patients' were randomized either to lisinopril arm or Nitrate arm or Both or None - a 2x2 randomized design.
Total - 19394 patients.
Lisinopril Group - 9435, Control- 9460
Nitrate Group - 9453, Control - 9442.
Inclusion Criteria:
≥1mm ST elevation or depression in ≥1 limb leads
≥2mm ST elevation or depression in ≥1 chest leads
Admitted to CCU within 24h of symptom onset
And no clear indication to sutdy treatment
Exclusion Criteria:
Severe CHF requiring any of study treatment (either Lisinopril or Nitro) Killip class 4 High risk of further serious hemodynamic deterioration after treatment with vasodilators, judged by SBP≤100 mmHg Contraindications to study drugs: -History of renal failure (creatinine ≥2mg/dl, proteinuria >500mg/24h, or both) -History of bilateral renal artery stenosis -Documented allergy to study drug -Other life-threatening disorders |
Average Follow-up:
6 weeks after randomization.
Dosage or Intervention:
Lisinopril initially 5 mg and then 10 mg - extrapolated to other ACEI's, with or without Nitrates - initially intravenous and then transdermal 10mg/24 hours.
Treatment Groups - Classic 2x2 design
1. Lisinopril only
2. Placebo only
3. Nitro only
4. Both nitro and Lisinopril
End Points:
All cause mortality and Combined all cause mortality + CHF or extensive myocardial damager after day 4 of hospitalization. (myocardial damage defined as EF < 35% or damage to > 45%^ of myocardium on echo).
Secondary -
Clinical CHF
LVEF ≤35%
≥45% akinesis/dyskinesis
Post-infarction angina
SBP <90 mmHg for >1 h
Cardiogenic shock
Renal dysfunction
No survival benefit from Nitrglycerine patch alone (remember it is patch not oral nitrates), but combination of Nitroglycerine and Lisinopril improved end points than just Lisinopril alone.
Benefits present in pre-defined high risk populations of females & those >70 years old
With Lisinopril alone:
- overall mortality at 6 weeks (odds ratio = 0.88)
- severe ventricular dysfunction (odds ratio = 0.90)
Combination of Lisinopril and Nitrates (transdermal):
First trial to show mortality and morbidity reduction by ACEI when used with in 24 hours of acute MI.
For other -ACEI trials please see the links for ACEI trials on the main cardiologytrials page @
Here are some images and links: